05 October 2024


The fare reductions of all types are granted on the basis of privileges with the additional payment up to 3 BAM for passengers who fail to buy the necessary train ticket and report to the conductor.The passengers who fail to report to the conductor or deliberately avoid the control of train tickets will have to pay additional 10 BAM.

The passengers traveling from a train point or station where they cannot purchase train tickets or if the ticket office is closed at the time of the arrival of the train do not have to pay and additional fee.


For individual travels on departure and on return at all points of travel the price of a two-way ticket is reduced under this privilege. The fare reduction is implemented without any special conditions. It is sufficient that the passenger wishes to buy a two-way ticket.

For individual travels of young persons up to 26 years of age who are BiH citizens and members of International Youth Associations (ISIC, ITIC, SOFS), the fare reduction is granted on the basis of a membership card of one of the stated associations which is valid for one year. The owner of the membership card must show the card when purchasing the ticket and to the conductor on the train.

For students The basis for fare reduction is index.

For old age, invalid, and family pensioners, as well as people over 60 years of age, who are BiH citizens this privilege is granted for the 1st and 2nd classes for all types of trains unlimited number of times. The fare reduction is granted to the spouse of the pensioner, but only if they are travelling together. The fare reduction is granted on the basis of identity card with a photograph, on the basis of which one’s identity,citizenship and age is determined. Apart from identity and citizenship, pensioner should prove his status by means of a receipt from the current month or the month before or an authorised confirmation if he is receiving his pension through an account.

For journalists who are members of BiH Journalist Association for unlimited number of travels for the 1st and 2nd class. The basis for the fare reduction is the journalist membership card which is issued and annualy verified by the Journalist Association.

For group voyages of groups of at least 6 adult persons or if the passengers pay the ticket price for 6 adult persons (two children paying the ticket price are taken as one adult person).

Children from 4 up to 12 years of life (as well as children younger than 4 if a separate passenger seat is required) the reduced fare is granted, no matter if the required ticket is a one-way or a two -way ticket.

For the transport of blind people, the reduced fare is granted for the unlimited number of travels for the 1st and the second class. The privilege is used on the basis of a card issued and verified by the Blind People Association. The right to this fare reduction is granted to people who accompany the blind person on his travel.

A group of 30 and more passengers is also granted a fare reduction. The train ticket for all the members of a group of passengers is paid from the same point of departure to the same destination point, even if the individual passengers break off the travel on passing stations.

Children up to 4 years of life can travel without paying a fee under the condition that a separate seat is not required and that they are traveling by an adult who possesses a train ticket.

Advance booked monthly tickets for workers and students are issued for workers or students for traveling from their place of residence to place of employment(school) under reduced prices which are listed separately in PT III. Advance booked monthly tickets for workers and students are valid for one calendar month for unlimited number of travels in both directions on the marked relation.


For two-way travels.

For group travels of six or persons).

For single travels for old age, invalid or family pensioners, persons above 60 years of age and spouses of pensioners under the condition that they are BiH citizens.

This right to fare reduction is proven by means of an identity card or by the receipt of the last pension.

For journalists by means of the membership card verified by the BiH Journalist Association.

For young people up to 26 years of age on the basis of international membership cards: ISIC*, ITIC*, SOSF*

For children from 4 up to 12 years of age

Monthly workers’ ticket for 50 travels per month on the basis of a workers card.

Blind persons and people who accompany them on the basis of a valid card verified by the Blind People’s Association

Monthly students’ ticket for up to 50 travels per month on the basis of a students’ card.

For railway workers with the P-4 card verified by FbiH Railway Company or RS Railway Company.

For children up to 4 years of age if a separate seat is not requested.


For group travels(travels in group of at least 6 adult persons, two children paying the train ticket are taken as one adult person)

For children from 4 up to 12 years of age. (individual railway companies envisage different age groups for children).


With Interrail Global Pass you can travel in 33 different European countries.

Interrail Global Passes  can be used for ” continuous ” travel in the following time periods:

  • 15 days
  • 22 days or
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 3 months

Additionally as a Flexi pass for the following periods:

  • 4 days within the validity period of one month
  • 5 days within the validity period of one month
  • 7 days within the validity period of one month/li>
  • 10 days within the validity period of 2 months
  • 15 days within the validity period of 2 months

Interrail One Country Pass is valid only within the selected country.

Interrail One Country Passes  can be used for: 3, 4, 5, 6 or 8 days within the validity period of one month.
The traveler is obliged to enter the date of the journey in a certain section.

The Interrail Pass can be purchased at the International Ticket Office of the Sarajevo Railway Station.

An Interrail Pass is strictly personal and  non-transferable.

During the trip you can combine rail services by plane, boat or road transport.

The fee for reservation of places, use of beds and bedclothes is payable in full amount.

You can get more information at the Ticker office of Sarajevo Railway Station or at the Department for passenger transport in Headquarter of the ŽFBiH on telephone number:  +387 (0)33 477 833

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