International tariff
International train tickets can be booked in advance two months before the first day of validity of the ticket at the earliest. The tickets can be booked at the international booking offices at railway stations and authorised travel agencies. Payment is made in BAM.
International train tickets are valid for two months.
Validity deadline starts from the day determined by the passenger and it is marked on the ticket.
The first day of validity of the ticket includes the whole day. The passenger can start his voyage on any day within the validity deadline of the ticket and should complete it on the train which arrives at the station within 24 hours of the last day of validity deadline at the latest.
The railway can prolong the validity deadline of the ticket at the passenger’s request if the train ticket cannot be used within the validity deadline due to special circumstances ( illness, accident and similar reasons).
The travel can be broken off without formality unlimited number of times within the validity deadline.Certain tariff offers envisage exceptions.
The breaking off of travel does not give the right to prolong the deadline of validity of the ticket.
Once broken off, the travel can be continued only from the station on which it was broken off or from the station which was not yet reached.
The paid amount of the ticket price is refunded completely or in part if the ticket was not used or if it was used only partly.
The ticket price for the unused or partly used ticket is refunded by the railway which issued it.
At BiH Railway it is done by:
FBiH Railway Public Company
Economic Department
Sector for control of revenues
Put života 2 71000 SARAJEVO
Every railway company has the addresses of other railway companies, at which the passengers can apply their requests for refunding of the train ticket, or they can apply directly to the other railway companies.
Every request for refunding of the train ticket must be accompanied by the original train tickets (including the covers if the ticket has covered).
The request for refund will not be considered if the train tickets are illegible, damaged or invalid. Unused or partly used ticket must be marked as unused or partly used. If it is not marked then the requests for refunding of the ticket must be accompanied by evidence (medical report, new tickets bought instead of the unused one etc).
Out of the amount to be refunded the railway company retains the right to compensation ( not higher than 10 %), but not for all tickets and not in all cases.
The luggage can be transported in the same compartment with the passenger only if it can be placed above or bellow the seat without disturbing the other passengers.
Dogs and small pets are allowed on board if they do not disturb other passengers by their smell or noise.
Dogs are allowed in compartments only if the passenger will keep them in his lap or on the floor, on the leash or with a muzzle so that it is not a threat to other passengers.
Small pets are allowed on the train only if they are kept in cages, boxes, baskets which prevent soiling and damage of compartments and passengers and hand luggage.Train tickets are paid for dogs.
The ticket for a dog amounts to half the oneway or single ticket price for an adult for the second class.